Saturday, March 3, 2012

Julie and Julia

Today I watched the movie Julie and Julia.  The movie is about a lady named Julie Powell who needs something to get her life moving so she decides to cook through Julia Child's cookbook and blog about it for a year.  It was a long hard process but she stuck with it and made it work and actually did it.  She cooked all the recipes in the book, wrote her own book and then obviously had a movie made about it. 

I have been struggling a lot lately to get back on the right track with my blog and with my diet and exercise.  It is so easy to stray from the path to allow yourself to stop all three.  I made a pack with myself that I was going to do this, that I was going to write everyday and take the time and energy to create devotions and entries with the hope of one day having my own book published.  However I allowed myself to stop.  I got sucked into how easy it is to lose track of a vision or a goal. 

It is not easy to lose weight.  It is easier to put it on than it is to take it off.  It is not easy to eat right, at least for me.  I always seem to need or want food.  It is my release and I rely on it too much.  It is not easy to right a blog entry everyday and come up with new devotions.  BUT I was losing weight, I was eating right, and God was providing me with the ability to write a blog entry everyday.  I was doing it and I stopped.  Why? 

That's a great question.  Life is not easy and too often we stop doing very important things because they are hard to do. I stopped because I was able to come up with reasons why I should.  Julie didn't stop even when things got really hard, even when there were troubled waters, she continued to cook and write about it.  She persevered and it was awesome to watch.  It was the kick in the butt that I needed to get me started again. 

So with that I say, I'm BACK!  Today I begin my journey again.  It is never too late to start again.  It is never too late to realize your mistakes and learn from them.  It is never too late to make up for lost time or fix a relationship or problem.  It took a movie about a blog and a cookbook for me to remember that and realize that I need to get up dust myself off and start again! 

I thank you for reading my blog and I hope in the past some of the devotions have been good and you have enjoyed them.  I hope you will continue to read and take this journey with me!  Thank you so much and I will see you tomorrow! 

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