Wednesday, August 7, 2013

ALL are welcome!

I have never attended a small  church.  A church where everyone in it knows each other and can greet them by their first name.  This past weekend, we loaded up three cars and hit the road for Butner, NC.  What might you ask is in Butner, NC?  Well Community United Methodist Church is located in Butner, NC.  That is also where Philly has resided for the last 3 months.

Philly was chosen for the conference internship program called Taste and See.  He was placed at Community UMC in Butner as his internship.  The purpose of the program is give college aged youth the opportunity to see what it is like to be a pastor.  Most if not all of the youth in the program have been trying to decide if they are being called into ministry. 

Today, at least 25 of us showed up to listen to him deliver the final message of his internship.  Philly was awesome!  He did his entire message without looking at any notes.  He memorized the entire thing. It was exciting to watch.  He owned the front of the sanctuary as he walked back and forth delivering his message.

Community UMC has been working on a new mission statement.  I am not sure exactly what it is but I believe that it is something like Community UMC welcomes ALL. Philly preached about how they as a church will need to decide who the ALL are.  It was awesome to watch him as he preached about how they had welcomed him to Community UMC and about how they need to do that for anyone that comes through the doors of Community UMC.

Philly has been given a gift and a calling into ministry.  I hope that he listens and follows what God has in store for him.  He is truly blessed and I am really proud of him!  Once a youth in my youth group, now a friend and partner in ministry! 

You go Philly!

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