Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Oh Deer...

I started my lifestyle changes yesterday except for a small Goodberry's treat when we decided to go to celebrate Denise and start of her new career path.  On a side note I am really going to miss her a lot. She was such a ray of sunshine everyday at church!  I love you Denise!

Ok so back to the lifestyle change.  I had a great day yesterday as far as eating as well as today.  I played basketball for two hours last night and went for a run / walk around Shelly Lake this afternoon.  When I decided to go for the run the storm clouds were building up and I thought that it was going to rain on me.  I went anyway because I knew I needed to exercise. 

I was able to run and walk the 2 mile trail stopping periodically to do squats and lunges.  It was touch because I haven't exercised in awhile but it felt good.  I used music to push myself around the lake.  At one point some music came on that really pumped me up and I started running.  As I came around the corner that is when I saw her standing there (I'm sure that last part is a song lyric).  Anyway, I had my phone in my hand so I pushed the camera button and waited for it come up.  I took a picture of the deer that was standing in front of me. It was pretty far away so I walked a little closer and snapped another one and then closer and snapped another one.  I got as close as this last picture before she started to run back into the woods.

That's when I noticed them, two little baby deer further back in the trees eating grass and protected by their mother.  I backed up to give them room and not scare them.  I watched for a few minutes that these glorious creatures that God had created.  Before I left I lifted my hand to my chin and gave the sign language sign for Thank you (Elizabeth Owens taught me that).  When I did it the deer sort of cocked her head to the side like she understood me.  It was amazing.

I finished my run but have been thinking about that deer all night.  It was amazing to witness God's glory through one of him animals.  A deer just eating and watching her young but so inspiring to be up close and personal with.  I don't know if it really meant anything but I do know that it just made me feel good. 

Oh deer is probably something I will say from now on when these workouts and things get hard.  I will remember that deer that God put in front of me to inspire me. 

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